Junior Member / Новичок
Участник № / Member № 770
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1.how to avoid any cell phone to access adam5510/HCG, can we set some limitation to allow the cell phones which have the right to access adam5510/HCG?
2.we can not require more than one channel by enter SMS which include comma like the following GET channel1's name,channel2's name
3.we can not require the attribute of channe by enter SMS like the following GET channel1's name.attribute
4.can TRACE MODE support the COM3 port of ADAM5510HC/HCG?
5.can ADAM5510HCG send some information to cell phone when the value of channel exceed the High limitation
Сообщения / Posts 11 | Из / From: China
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Junior Member / Новичок
Участник № / Member № 137
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Где взять подробные характеристики Микро МРВ для ADAM 5510/HCG? В частности, есть ли обмен со Slave устройствами по MODBUS или только протокол типа ADAM-4000.
Сообщения / Posts 28 | Из / From: Россия
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1) Now you can't do it. But, cell phone user must known channels names before sending SMS to controller.
2) You have to use the following command format: GET <Chan1.Attr> … <ChanN.Attr> with space delimiters.
3) All standard names for the attributes you can find in our help system filein section "Appendices"-"Channel Attributes". It must be noted, that attributes name is key-sensitive value!
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Все характеристики есть в нашей справочной системе в разделе "Приложения"-"Отличия серверов".
Сообщения / Posts 17356 | Из / From: Россия
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